Fireplaces must be inspected annually to ensure safety for all your residents. The main cause of chimney fires is due to the creosote build up on the chimney walls. National mandates require a Level 1 inspection for a chimney under continued use. We offer the following following inspection tiers.
A Level 3 inspection includes all the areas and items checked in a Level 1 and a Level 2 inspection, as well as the removal of certain components of the building or chimney where necessary.
Removal of components (i.e., chimney crown, interior chimney wall) shall be required only when necessary to gain access to areas that are the subject of the inspection. When serious hazards are suspected, a Level 3 inspection may well be required to determine the condition of the chimney system.
* Accessible: May require the use of commonly available tools to remove doors, panels or coverings, but will not damage the chimney or building structure or finish.
** Readily Accessible: Exposed, or capable of being exposed, for operation, inspection, maintenance or repair without the use of tools to open or remove doors, panels or coverings. (Source CSIA)
Speak with one of our experts to learn which is the right solution for your property.